I Haven’t Heard from Him. Is It Worth Getting In Touch With Him?

Reader Question:

i have already been hanging out with he on and off for some several months. He has got already been taking much more initiative to have with each other. Last weekend we went to dinner, which we never ever declared a “date,” but we wound up spending all of those other night with each other.

By the end with the night, he started cuddling with myself (keeping arms, running fingers through locks, feet intertwined). At the end of the evening as he walked me to my car, I kissed him. I haven’t heard from him since.

Could it possibly be well worth getting in touch with him?

-Irene (Montana)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Response:


NO!!!! permit him chase you somewhat. I’m wanting to know who was simply a lot more physically hostile on that day.

You probably didn’t say “He kissed me” or “We kissed.” You stated you kissed him.

Could that have afraid him off?

I believe you really need to set reasonable for some time regardless. Contain yourself and hold off observe his then action.

No counseling or therapy advice: This site cannot give psychotherapy information. This site is intended just for use by buyers searching for general information of interest with respect to dilemmas people may deal with as individuals plus in relationships and relevant topics. Content isn’t designed to replace or serve as substitute for pro consultation or service. Contained observations and viewpoints really should not be misunderstood as specific counseling guidance.

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